models: Michelle R., Rabea, Aisha, Chantal, Jenny, Cedric, Fabian, Melissa P., Solange, Claudia Santo, Nicole, Miss Florence
AMAZING GRACE – ipa 2016: “deeper perspective”, 2nd place, students; model: Rabea
CHIAROSCURO – model: Fabian Roschy
STUDIES IN SCARLET – Starring as Sir Simon and Sherlock Holmes: Fabian Roschy; many thanks to Brauereikeller Walsheim (location) and arkivo fotodesign for making it possible! Sir Simon actually prefers being an artist and to paint blood-stains instead of biting people. A story, somewhere between laughter and tear, about inner conflicts and homage to my favorite author Oscar Wilde.
BAKER STREET – model: Michelle R. – location: Baker Street SB
REAR WINDOW – models: Michelle R. & David Kaduk