Photos from my “backstage” experiences in the zoo, from 2001 and from 2013 until today. Alongside the memories behind them, many of these are my most precious treasures. [They differ regarding the quality as some of them are mobile shots only.]
Squirrel monkey hand Maggie & me squirrel monkey hands in mine lemur hand Jimmy the chimp with brush and yellow color Kalif the camel Dundee holding hands Bruno Potto “Baby” loved this feeding giraffe Corolla feeding Yaris Apollon the python Kangaroo Dundee Walther slowly (!) waking up in his water bed. Hard to get him out in the morning! interaction with Dura Xaver smiling Treatment Battle squirrel monkey hands in mine Squirrel monkey with boxes Peephole I Peephole II squirrel monkey hands in mine Lemur with sunglasses stolen from me. It was unfair, it was three against one! lemur feeding spot the original: lemur with plush toy lemur feeding lemurs with self-made frozen fruits spot the original: lemurs with plush toy spot the original: lemurs with plush toy Lucky enjoying his shower Luise falling asleep at my feet I Luise falling asleep at my feet II Luise curious Mongoose boy from 2017 Heiner feeling comfy in a Heineken box Luise can’t wait Heiner with treatment ball Luise blocking my cleaning tools Heiner in the waste bin, making sure nothing gets removed which could still be of any use Luise waiting for enrichments Ronja wants to be in, too our drill grandma enjoying enrichments Aardvark boy Mawuko exploring my leg Piggedy the emu Penguin feeding Penguins in a row Nelly the kea Toto with duplo Toto with glove chimp artist Guidage selecting the colors for her latest Ĺ’uvre excrements – size rising: giraffe (smallest), antilope, zebra, giant tortoise (biggest) hedgehoc tenrec transforming the daily cleaning into an adventure playground Tools mineral lick Dunde & Me I Dundee & Me II